Six on Saturday: A Quick Six

My front camellia has not been doing well this season. Part of it has died, but one shoot remains and has bloomed infrequently since October. There a still a few buds left to open.

I’ve introduced my Twitter friends to Queen Bessie, but I’m happy to show her to you today. I bought and planted this little shrub last spring, and it’s full of buds. This is one of the prized K. Sawada camellia varieties. I love its simple, pure white blossoms. And the Queen has a lovely golden crown.

And speaking of royalty, this is camellia Royal Velvet. Pictures don’t do justice to the depth of color in these blooms.

I have three holly ferns at the feet of the Royal Velvet shrub. Several other holly ferns are scattered around the property also. Most of them volunteered and chose pretty good spots to grow, so I let them stay. They’re looking good now, as winter greenery, but our next few cold snaps may turn some of the fronds brown. We’ll see.

This foxtail fern has done well in a pot, but I’m thinking about planting it somewhere to give it more room to grow. To the right, you’ll see some common southern fern. I didn’t plant that either, but I’m happy to let it be the backup to some more colorful summer plants in the front of the bed.

So much of my gardening tends to be happy accidents.

I know many people grow asparagus ferns as a houseplant, but I have several planted in my yard. This one has been circling the mailbox for several years. The next few freezes will turn it gray, but it needs a haircut anyway. I trim it severely, back to the ground, before the new growth starts, and it comes back fine every spring.

Have a peaceful, productive week. May the Lord bless and keep you.

Shalom, Dottie

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