Looking for Hope

In case you’ve wondered, I have fallen into a pattern of posting blogs every Monday, and then again later in the week – Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Don’t hold me to that, but it seems like a pretty good schedule for me right now. Also, I try to keep them under 500 words.

This was a horrific weekend – two mass shootings, following another one less than a week before. Social media was pretty toxic with everyone offering opinions as to why and what to do about it. It’s hard not to let my cynicism get the best of me.

I already offered my two cents in a blog post back in May. Before I revised it, I think it was what got me suspended from Facebook, before I even finished registering. It’s why I still don’t have a FB account yet.

I see these primarily as spiritual issues, but you can read what I said here:https://dottieloveladyrogers.com/2019/05/08/another-shooting/

I woke up early this morning with a scripture on my mind.

Psalm 11:3.  “…if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

Psalm 11 begins by speaking about the threat of evil people who shoot “arrows” at others. (Verse 2 may be where the phrase “a shot in the dark” originates.) In his frustration, David gives an imprecatory lament for revenge upon them in verse six. The Bible doesn’t clean up our heroes.

Verse three, cited above, seems out of place, unless it is seen as a way of expressing the very human question, “why?”

But the message of Psalm 11 is emphatically about God’s sovereignty, in spite of the evil done on this earth. Yes, our foundations are destroyed, however you choose to define them. With much hand-wringing and vitriol at the “others”, we try to figure out what we can do.

He is still on the throne – still in charge. He still sees, and is not sleeping through it. There aren’t any real answers offered in this one Psalm.  We’ve been given the rest of the scriptures to seek them out. So it’s like the Father is saying, “I’ve already told you what I expect.” (Another way of saying, “How many times do I have to tell you?”)

Jesus/Yeshua talked about what happens to a house built in a sandy, dry creek bed. We want to start our foundations where we want them. We want the consequences to be different.

He is our rock. He is our hope. He is the only One who can change the hearts of humanity – one transformation at a time. There is nothing we can do to change ourselves, except give ourselves completely to Him, and let the Holy Spirit do His work.

We’re a mess.  We need a Messiah.

Shalom, Dottie

4 thoughts on “Looking for Hope

  1. I agree, Dottie, and am waiting for someone in a position of public authority (or anyone else) to say out loud that maybe those Jesus followers, those “church folks” just might have something worth considering.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amen Ms. Dottie. As you’ve already agreed with me, today’s world does not have a gun control or a mental illness problem, it has a heart problem. Many have turned from God and the results of this action will become worse and worse. My prayer is that I can somehow help to turn our nation around. I may not, but I will keep trying until our Lord calls me home. My hope is that I know I’ll be going home. My prayer is that it is before the coming tribulation begins.


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