About Me

After retiring from two other careers, it seems that I’m plunging into another one. Who knew this “writing life” was so involved?

A Little Background

Although I was published in the past, mainly through the United Methodist Publishing House and Discipleship Resources, it was so many years ago that it hardly counts now. Much has changed in the business, our world, and in my life since then. But for about fifteen years I had the thrill of seeing my writing in print and the experience of working with editors and deadlines. It was all part-time and contract or freelance.

Age has its advantages. Well, for writing anyway. I know more than when I was younger. I’m less naïve, and maybe a bit more skeptical too. The lessons haven’t always been fun, but indispensably valuable.

In forty-years of employment, I’ve done church work in programming and educational ministries for all ages. I directed a university campus ministry. I worked in the field of counseling as a therapist for a couple of mental health agencies and in private practice. The last years were as an elementary public school counselor. In all of those situations, I saw life at its best or at its rawest. I saw real needs: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. I have reasons to be less naïve and more cynical about people and institutions.

The Foundation is Always Faith in a Sovereign God

Given the nature of human nature, we all need a Savior. I am a follower of Yeshua/Jesus, but a reluctant disciple. Yet, I know His grace. I know His call on my life, and that His plans are always for my good. I know He wins every time.
We have a God who is infinitely good. I felt Him pursuing me as a young teenager. At fourteen I told Him I wanted His will to be done in my life. I trusted Him with my journey, and He has led me through some very interesting places. But that is not without my frequent resistance. Just look behind me. You can see the skid marks from my heels. Yet, He is mercifully persistent.

I’m a seventh generation American Methodist, with a couple of preachers in the lineage. That takes it back over two hundred years and to the days of Francis Asbury. However, I consider myself a Mongrel Methodist – Cafeteria Christian – a Working-out-my-Sanctification Wesleyan.

My prayer is to see Him more clearly, to love Him ever more dearly, and to faithfully follow Him more nearly – day by day. I pray that for you also.

I Love Retirement.

I love reading and learning about a lot of things. I’m not an expert at anything. My latest passion is learning Hebrew. My on-going passion is Bible Study.

I putter around in my yard. I cook, but we eat leftovers frequently. I teach an adult Sunday school class. I go to a couple of other Bible studies where I grow in the fellowship of other strong women. I’m in a Hebrew class. I’m unenthusiastically joining social media. I still use a flip phone. I love living in Down South, Alabama.

I’ve been married over thirty-five years to a man who has supported, questioned, and loved me through all my many pursuits, sometimes graciously keeping his opinions to himself.

Thanks for visiting,
