Six On Saturday: Spring Wildflowers

Last fall, I did a blog about a wildflower walk and posted photos of some autumn-blooming native plants in my area. Since spring is popping out all over, it’s time to do a new wildflower post. Of course, you can call them weeds, but not today.

In March, we turn our attention to Irish lore for St. Patrick’s Day and look for four-leaf clovers. I found plenty of clover, but only three-lobed leaves. The first picture above is typical white clover that most people don’t want in their lawns.

It wasn’t hard to find patches of crimson clover on the roadsides. Road crews sometime plant it to prevent soil erosion. It has also been used as a cover crop in farming to add nitrogen to the soil. Bees love it too, and many people love clover honey. I’ve also heard, when the red clover blooms, it’s safe to plant your tomatoes outside.

This picture is a two-fer. In the same area where I found the red clover, I saw huge patches of these tiny yellow globe flowers. I had to look them up when I got home. It seems they’re called hop clover. Now that it has come to my attention, I see it everywhere on the side of the roads. I think the tall blue flowers are a type of wild sage (salvia).

Some might mistake this for another type of clover, but it’s not. These big clover-like leaves are oxalis, aka: wood sorrel. The little flowers may be cute, but it’s pretty invasive in moist areas. True confession, when I was a child, I liked the sour taste of oxalis stems. Obviously, I never ate enough to kill me.

I don’t know what these pale yellow flowers are, but I liked them. They were also plentiful in the same area as the hop clover. I tried to look them up and thought they might be either meadow beauty or celandine. Anyone have a clue?

Finally, this huge briar patch is walking distance from my house. I’m not sure if they’re dewberries or blackberries, but either will make a fine cobbler or jam.

Shalom, Dottie

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