Six On Saturday: Something different

I feel like I should start this blog with, “Well, it’s been a quiet week in Lake Woebegon.” Does anyone remember A Prairie Home Companion on Saturday evenings? I thought of this because I want to share my week with you. Some things were typical December activities and others were just enjoyable highlights. And I’ll still share a few things from the yard, like this white sasanqua at the top.

SUNDAY I went to early church for the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols. (We have four services each Sunday morning in two locations on campus.) I must say it was spectacular! The carefully selected scriptures and music told the Christmas story from Genesis to Revelation in a very moving way. At several points, I was moved to tears.

MONDAY I finally got around to putting out a few seasonal decorations in my house. We don’t do as much as we used to do, but just enough to enjoy some lights and greenery. I made a potato soup which we enjoyed several times this week. But I went out to dinner with ladies from the Thursday night Bible study. My husband had the potato soup and I had steak.

TUESDAY Heavy equipment started clearing the lot two doors down from us. My next-door neighbor invited another neighbor along with my husband and me over to watch the site work from her elevated back porch. It was fascinating how the monstrous machine knocked over huge trees like popsicle sticks. Then the claw pulled them up by the roots and shook off the dirt. (It evidently doesn’t take much to entertain senior citizens.)

I also marked quite a few things off my To-Do-List, giving me a satisfying sense of accomplishment.

My front camellia is still blooming well since many of the buds are starting to open.

On Tuesday night, we enjoyed watching The Curse of Oak Island. I know many folks complain that for a decade they’ve been looking for treasure on an island off the coast of Nova Scotia. However, I like the hunt. I enjoy the history, archaeology, and little clues that may or may not produce real treasure.

We both ate potato soup.

WEDNESDAY We asked the guy clearing the lot to bring his equipment into the back part of our yard. He took down a dead limb that was hanging like the Sword of Damocles over our fence and cleared a swath behind the fence. This gives a little reprieve from the prolific privets and vines that are encroaching into our backyard. I’ve shown you a before and after photo above.

I went to an afternoon “tea party” with a few friends. It was good to enjoy each other’s company and some tasty refreshments. 

THURSDAY Our weekly church Prayer Group was fewer in number this week, but not diminished in zeal. I’m always amazed at how the Lord moves among us, prompting us with Spirit-led prayers. After that, I dashed over to another part of the church where there was a gospel group called “Big Blessin’ Trio” singing for the Senior Citizens. Then I joined them for lunch and visited with some old friends from our former church that closed in 2016.

The encore azaleas are blooming about as well as they ever do. These are amethyst-colored blooms from the two shrubs by the back patio.

FRIDAY I took a package to the post office, then I enjoyed talking to my brother on the phone while I dashed from one side of town to the other. (Thank goodness for new technology in vehicles.) I had a good visit with the Cardiologist, and the phlebotomist was able to get blood for lab work with relative ease.

Yesterday afternoon, I found this beautiful dead cardinal on my deck. He felt like he hadn’t been there long. I didn’t find evidence that the neighborhood feral cats might have been responsible, but they hang around for just such occasions.

 I cut some roses for a little bouquet and baked some Alabama Tea Cakes for dessert last evening.

SATURDAY Today is yet to be decided. I’m still enjoying this bleeding heart vine’s red flower clusters. I should make a bouquet of those as well.

Such is retired life for me. I have much to be thankful for.

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