SIX ON SATURDAY: Aaah! Aahctober

I’m in a bit of a rush today, so please excuse any errors and typos. I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to share a few things from the garden I’m enjoying now. When the world’s ablaze and tensions are high, a retreat to shady green areas is a good place to pray about it.

We’ve had some rain in the past week, but not enough to end the drought. Still, it was very much welcomed. Cooler temperatures have finally arrived, and the sunlight feels a little softer than the blazing rays of summer.

The top two photos show red firespikes at the back of the yard. They tower above my five-foot-two frame and nicely fill a wide space. The featured (top) picture shows a bit of white lantana peeking out of the middle of the foliage.

Speaking of lantana, the orange, red, and yellow ones are doing well in their sunny spot.

This is a plume from some goldenrod I’ve left here and there around the backyard. Yes, I know it’s considered a weed, but my dog likes to chew on the leaves, for digestive purposes, I suppose. I should have taken a photo of the many fields of goldenrod growing along the roadways near my home. They are spectacular now. It used to be the Alabama state flower.

Rose deResch is booming again. This has a lovely lemony scent.

Pink impatience aren’t really fall colors, but they’re healthy volunteers who seem happy where they are, so I’m leaving them alone.

This little vinca is also a volunteer at the edge of the bed where my maroon dianthus is still blooming. That was a wonderful happy accident since it coordinates so nicely.

Ok. Gotta run. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122) and all that area, but God knows what’s going on and He’s still in control. We’re closer than we’ve ever been to the final chapters of the Book!



2 thoughts on “SIX ON SATURDAY: Aaah! Aahctober

  1. Thank you so much for restful moment of peace in your garden this morning ma’am. Most certainly needed. Even when > 4 inches of rain, we still have large cracks in the ground. The 4.25″ we received last week didn’t even leave a mud puddle in the low spots our ground was so thirsty. Grateful for it all though as it did help green up the remaining grass a little bit. Not much left for my babies to much on, but they’re grateful for it too.

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